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NEW IN OUR PREMIUM COLLECTION: 🥥☕️Coco Dalgona and ☁️🧋Earl Grey Macchiato!

Have you tried our new bubble tea? If not, please dooooo, because they are «kjempeforfriskende» and «JAGGUUUUU MEG GODT»!!!! We swear that it is unbiased 😏 We have gotten enough positive feedback to say that they truly hit the SPOOOOOT~~~~ aaaa 🤤💦 Try it and be your own judge!

TeaOlogy - the finest bubble tea in Oslo (Norway)
TeaOlogy - the finest bubble tea in Oslo (Norway)

• COCO DALGONA: thick and lushious layer of coffee foam with refreshing slushy coconut milk.

• EARL GREY MACCHIATO: deliciously sweet and salty top layer of macchiato cream over a milk tea of Earl grey. This milk tea has rich, malty flavours to it + subtle, floral undertones!

PS: the cream cheese-topping used on Earl Grey Macchiato can be chosen as a topping choice for some other milk teas too, as either 1 scoop or 2 scoops! Soooo… you can basically «yassify» your milk tea-experience at us now 🤪

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